“Carve your name on hearts, not tombstones. A legacy is etched into the minds of others and the stories they share about you.”

— Sharon Aldler

This campaign posed the idea of measuring returns in infinite lifetimes. 

We felt financial advisors are letting clients focus on the short game: acquisition, when they should be focusing on the long game: contribution.

To choose an infinite life means to live selflessly. 

To choose an infinite life means to changes lives for the better. 

And to choose an infinite life means to think beyond the age of 65 and into the realm of generational efficacy. 


Too many times, investors are only thinking of tangible goals like retirement or a new vacation home. The thing is—those things mean nothing when you die. Contrary to what the bumper sticker says, the one who dies with the most toys is not the winner. You can’t take it with you. More importantly, you shouldn’t want to. 

Martin Luther King Jr., Mother Theresa and Nelson Mandela made their life’s investment generational. They chose to make investments in others that would transcend lifetimes far beyond their own. 

This campaign pushed New York Life’s target market du jour, financial advisors, to prompt their clients to make investments that benefit lives they might never even touch. Your New York Life Investments choice can lead to profound questions like “What color ribbon would you like at the dedication ceremony?” Or “Who do you want the new wing named after?” 


This is a visual interpretation of life, an infinite life. Think rings in a tree. As you or a corporation grow older, every day you grow, every journey you take, how you touch people is the journey to an infinite life. But the fibers that make that connection happen are the advisors. But there’s a power source that’s connecting these lives to the investments that make it possible. And that power source is New York Life. 

Art Director: Rachel Lescano Clements

The “swatch” direct mail pieces are meant to imitate the experience of an interior designer’s swatch book. 

Written in a way that addresses the financial advisor directly, this language personifies the research and insights that directed us to fluff the ego of the advisor.

With a New York Life Investments portfolio, you’ll give your client an infinite life.

And you’ll do it because you’re not just investing, you’re invested.


Space Coast - Branding