Sometimes big things come in small packages.

Like this concept. And timelines. Something the author would like you to know: this entire campaign was concepted and shot within 6 weeks. Respectfully, it’s something I never want to do again, but something I’m proud to say I’ve done. It taught me new levels of work ethic and agility, but also patience. This campaign might have looked very different with a more typical timeline, but this was a true example of ‘fire makes diamonds’. I’ve always wanted to work with miniatures, so this campaign has been a dream come true to work on.


By highlighting the importance of the little things, this campaign is a feel-good fueled analogy that symbolizes not just what this nearly 100-year old brand does, but why they do it. 

Massey Services is one of the Southeast’s most recognizable lawn accessories. Seriously, pay attention to those little signs next time you drive down your nearest suburban street. Nearly 1 million customers across America trust Massey to care for their home as if it was their own. This campaign was a huge (I cannot emphasize that enough) departure from the brand’s typical TV spots. We brought them out of a templated, archaic style and into a modern, fresh take on how to do TV.

The client took a chance on us (and unique creative), and I really respect that. You can pitch bold, standout creative all day, but the client has to say “yes” to the thinking and the strategy. Each of the 3 spots highlights a different service line for Massey: Lawn, Pest and Termite.

:30 Lawn

Campaign Theory

There’s something about miniatures that draws you in.

There’s an element of nostalgia… of Mr. Rogers, of the kinds of toys you played with as a child. There’s a great sense of intimacy…the creation of a small world makes us question our own.

Great miniature art isn’t only a tiny escape from the real world, but rather a way to imagine, question and consider it. A world within a world. 

:30 Pest

Creative Strategy

Symbolically for Massey, the miniatures concept represents great care and detail. Massey’s treatments sometimes require that the technicians enter your home…a personal moment that the Massey team doesn’t take lightly.

Preliminary insights told us that people make decisions about their home care companies almost purely on trust. Who can I trust to care for my home as if it were their own? Who can I trust around my kids, my pets, my precious items? Trust became the key inspiration that led us creating the symbolism of a miniature home—and the tiny hand that played with it.

The child’s hand seen in the spots symbolizes the delicate care and attention to detail exercised by Massey Technicians all over America. As the child plays, imagines and builds a story within the tiny home, the viewer can easily picture their own home. A Massey home is a perfect home—perfectly cared for by caring hands. We dare you not to smile was you watch the tiny Massey truck roll up to the tiny house.

:30 Termite

To be invited into another family’s home is a very personal moment. We wanted the consumer to feel that with Massey, they treat every home as if it were their most delicate focus. A child’s hand entrusted to take care of this world, we felt, was a beautiful way to get that message across. We wanted to tell the story of a commitment to the details and have a little fun while we did it.

Being the first campaign in my agency’s partnership with Massey and being the first agency to create a campaign in decades for Massey, our thought process was to evoke a feeling of intimacy, care, and love when it comes to your home. The stakes were high. We had to earn the client’s trust.

The benefits of doubling as art department on set means you can sneak a miniature picture of you and your sister into a national TV spot. Don’t worry, the client loved it—so did my Mom.


Habitat For Humanity