This is a story about a furniture store.

Goal: Position a 104-year-old furniture company as fresh, authentic—and well—just right for everyone.

Once upon a time, a little girl named Goldilocks snuck into a great big house in the forest. Inside, she found three of everything—all in three different sizes. Being the curious girl she was, she took a bite of the porridge, a lounge in the chair, and a flop in the bed. But how did she pick which one? How did she know which one was right? It wasn’t too big, and it wasn’t too small. It felt like it was perfect for her—or maybe it just fit her perfectly. It was...well...just right. 

The innate knowing of that “just right” feeling is a part of the human experience. From birth, we just know. Choices like the ones you’ve been making for years, based on an innate, gut feeling of rightness. Finding what’s “just right” is about finding what feels like you—and what feels like home. 

And that’s how Goldilocks inspired a brand campaign that felt just right.

Just Right Brand Campaign

Graphis Advertising Annual 2022 | Gold Award Winner

Art Direction by Kenzie Estes


It’s different for everyone.

But when you find it, you’ll know.

We’re not just selling a sofa. We’re trying to help every customer find their own version of “just right”—no matter what stage of life they’re in. That little moment of joy, satisfaction—and peace.


:30 Broadcast

“Stages of Life”

Some things just fit together.

They’re not too big, and not too small.

They’re just right. 

There’s a sort of fleeting satisfaction from seeing two completely unrelated things fit together perfectly. Think: a donut being the exact same shape as the top of your coffee cup. Or a remote sliding seamlessly between two piano keys. It’s a unique kind of calm in a world of expected chaotic struggle. That unexpected moment of that “just right” fit can bring the mind a moment of much needed peace. 

Now take that micro moment and apply it to a bigger concept. You can sit on three beautiful comfortable sofas, but you’ll pick one over the others. One of them will just feel right. It’ll feel like you, and it’ll feel like home. It’s an emotional knowing and a physical feeling we sometimes can’t explain. It’s different for everyone, but when you feel it, you’ll know. 

Here’s why this works: Badcock is doing more than just selling furniture. They’re making sure every customer has that moment. That moment of “oh yeah.” That perfect epiphany that’s unique to every one of us. That moment of just right.


When something's just right, it's more than just a good fit.

It's what fits our lives.



Creative Direction by Christian Wojciechowski

Art Direction by McKenzie Estes

Case Study Video

"Just right" moments can happen anywhere—but they happen at home because of Badcock.


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